What | Where | Example | Sense | Wednesday | Livejournal


What is a WOE POEM ?


A WOE POEM doesn't rhyme. It's a new idea for a grouping of three thoughts within a slightly structured frame.. The first line is always the longest, followed by a shorter line, followed by the shortest line. The first and the second line do not necessarily have to relate but can if the writer sees fit. The last line is always 'Woe', which is why it's the shortest. The simplicity of the text and the out to in structure of it make the poem itself both wonderful to read and pleasing to the eye. Variations of this structure have been invented, but no 'official' opposition has been formed to ask why it has to look any way at all.


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Where did WOE POEMS originate ?


Woe poetry was conceived as a mockery of depression and the gothic lifestyle one night a long time a go in the skating park by myself and Nik. She was commenting on how it was such a perfect atmosphere for a nice depressive poetry reading. Myself, being the self-declared king of goths (a mockery, I can assure you), desided to be an asshole and declared the first woe poem. Nik stopped talking to me not too soon after.


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Can you give me an example of a WOE POEM ?


Shoore thing, baybee. It goes a little something like this:


I just watched a blaxploitation movie
The cat growls


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What ? That didn't make any sense ! Do another !


First of all, they don't have to make sense. A lot of the world doesn't make sense, so why should a poem that's just sckewed randomosity do any better ? It's all up to the person who's writing it. Second of all, certainly ! You can read all the WOE POEMS I've written online by just checking out my livejournal. If you don't want to go through all the history to find the little gems, then just wait till Wednesday. Here's another example:


The weather channel is blaring in my ears
I want to sunbathe some more


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What the crap is Woe Wednesday ?


You've heard of Manic Monday or the Friday Five or the Thursday Thesaurus, right ? No ? Well, this is sorta like them. Every Wednesday, a group of people write Woe poems to commemorate the idea and to keep it alive. Hopefully one day, someone will start a community that we can all cross post in. I guess it should be me. Expect this to be updated sometime soonish.


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Livejournal community !


The Livejournal Woe Poem Community is open. Come join and make with the woe. Please not that for this forum the official rules are in effect. The first line must be the longest out of the three. The next line is shorter than the first but not as short as the last which is to be one word: Woe. I've been called names and had people quit the community because I deleted their poems. Please just play by the rules and everything'll be fine. It's actually a lot of fun. If you wish to post another version of a woepoem or maybe other forms of poetry, then just post the link. It may generate inspiration for others to write woepoems and/or other styles of writing which should and hopefully will be encouraged.


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The End